Category: Filmmaking

  • What is B Roll in Filmmaking?

    What is B Roll in Filmmaking?

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    If you’re wondering what is a b roll or curious to know what b roll means for effective visual communication with the audience, understanding its role will help you develop better filmmaking skills. Over the past couple of decades, the term A roll has dropped out of use and is instead just called main footage,…

  • What Does A Film Producer Do?

    What Does A Film Producer Do?

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    Given the importance of the producer in getting film and TV projects launched and completed, it’s surprising how little understanding there is about their role. So today we’ll look at the question of what does a film producer do?

  • 3 Great Documentary Ideas for Students

    3 Great Documentary Ideas for Students

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    Inspiring documentary ideas for students arise from many sources. Sometimes they reflect things the students have observed or experienced, and other times they revolve an issue of personal interest to the student filmmakers. Documentary Making for Students It’s possible for a young person to make a documentary as a college student at film school, as…

  • What Does Beat Mean in a Script?

    What Does Beat Mean in a Script?

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    The entertainment industry is littered with terms you have to quickly pick up, so after hearing a conversation between creatives you may be wondering – what does beat mean in a script? What is Beat in a Script? The term beat is used in a different way, according to the development point of the story…

  • What is a DoP in film?

    What is a DoP in film?

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    Discover what a DoP in film is, and why they are the second most important person on set after the Director. What is a DoP in film? DOP or DP stands for Director of Photography, who is the Cinematographer. They are the one who plans and controls all aspects of the cinematography. As the DOP,…

  • List of Ken Burns Film In Order

    List of Ken Burns Film In Order

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    It’s quite a task to create a list of Ken Burns films in order, because the American filmmaker has worked as Producer, Director, Cinematographer, Writer, Actor, Musical Director, and Creative Consultant on so many. Let’s start with a list of films directed by Ken Burns, and then move to a timeline of all films listing…

  • Filmmaking Puns

    Filmmaking Puns

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    In this post I’ll be including some of the funniest (and least offensive) filmmaking puns you’ll commonly hear on set. You’ll probably spot some familiar ones but it’s always fun to come across a new one. So without further ado, here are some hilarious filmmaking related puns and jokes for your enjoyment! Change The Lightbulb…

  • Best Camera for Filming Music Videos

    Best Camera for Filming Music Videos

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    Choosing the best camera for filming music videos is a key decision, because each camera offers a different combination of features so you need to find the video quality and extras which match your aspiration and budget. Mirrorless Cameras for Music Videos Sony and Panasonic have been the go-to video camera models for shooting music…

  • Filmmaking Crew Positions: Types of Roles in Film & TV Production

    Filmmaking Crew Positions: Types of Roles in Film & TV Production

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    Filmmaking crew positions are numerous and the types of roles in Film & TV Production can be baffling when you’re taking your first steps into larger productions. But it’s important to understand the function of each crew member’s role, how they fit into what you are doing, and have awareness of film crew hierarchy. Creating…

  • Following & breaking the 180 degree rule in film

    Following & breaking the 180 degree rule in film

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    The 180 degree rule is one of the oldest rules in filmmaking, and without it your shots can be disjointed and disorientating. But breaking the 180 degree rule carefully in the right shots can make a scene more powerful and effective. Working out the imaginary line of each scene and the instances where you would…