Category: Actors

  • Grants for Actors UK

    Grants for Actors UK

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    Grants for actors in the UK can help aspiring performers access acting training, develop the skills of working actors and dancers, and help pay the bills when performers are affected by illness, disability, or hard times.  This page shows some of the sources of help available. Can you get a scholarship for acting? Intensive acting…

  • Do actors really kiss?

    Do actors really kiss?

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    Actors use a variety of acting techniques to create believable characters, but do they really kiss?

  • Screen Actors with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

    Screen Actors with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

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    For years, neurodiverse characters in movies and TV shows were almost always played by a neurotypical actor, and audiences rarely saw these roles played by screen actors with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

  • Are actors considered self employed?

    Are actors considered self employed?

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    Starting an acting career not only involves working out how to pick up the skills, experience, credits and agents to book good acting jobs, but you also need to ask yourself are actors considered self employed, and understand the implications of the answer.

  • Types of Stage Space in Drama

    Types of Stage Space in Drama

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    Wondering about the types of stage space and what they are good for? Perhaps you’re unclear why all stages aren’t the same – or maybe thought every professional stage is like the traditional one found in Victorian era theatres. Several types of stage space in drama settings are commonly in use today, even across the…

  • Acting Classes in Liverpool

    Acting Classes in Liverpool

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    Acting classes in Liverpool are a great way to access actor training without leaving home. Getting into an accredited drama school is difficult and the courses cost a lot in fees, maintenance and lost earnings. It’s possible to get into acting without drama school, but you do have to develop your performing skills and learn…

  • Acting Techniques to Build a Believable Character

    Acting Techniques to Build a Believable Character

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    Acting techniques help trained actors portray their roles with depth and expertise. Actors’ training teach the art of bringing believable and realistic characters to appreciative audiences with these systems and methods. Good actors must learn and finesse a wide range of skills. These include memorisation, voice projection, movement, characterisation, and crying on demand. Also audition…

  • What to Wear for Headshots

    What to Wear for Headshots

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    Choosing what to wear for headshots takes a great deal of time and planning and every successful actor prepares their headshot clothing carefully. You can’t take your whole wardrobe with you, yet you’ve got to plan for every suitable casting breakdown for the next year or so. With black and white acting headshot photos long…

  • What is the Stanislavski Method?

    What is the Stanislavski Method?

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    The Stanislavski Method is a system of acting technique for training actors that was developed by the Russian theatre practitioner Konstantin Stanislavski. The method involves an actor’s four levels of skills – physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual – and focuses on a type of imaginary behaviour in which an actor gives a convincing portrayal of…

  • How to Balance Acting and a Job

    How to Balance Acting and a Job

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    The majority of actors don’t get enough paid acting work to keep a roof over their head, but then struggle to work out how to balance acting and a job which pays the bills.  It’s a struggle which has got harder, because casting directors now set casting calls for anytime during the week, including weekends…