Category: Agencies
Williamson & Holmes
Filed under: AgenciesLocated in Shaftesbury Avenue, WC2H 8PR Spotlight registered agent Founded by Jackie Williamson and Michelle Holmes Films, TV, theatre and musical theatre Busy Twitter feed @WilliamsonHolme To apply for representation, send your Spotlight link by email (it’s not clear to which individual) No attachments to be added to your email Good agency to target if…
Williams Bulldog Management Ltd
Filed under: AgenciesLocated in Beckenham, BR3 5AA Spotlight registered agent Established 2016 Active Twitter feed @WBMltd ’About/Contact’ page has email address and instructions or applications An agency that will consider you at the beginning of your career – but you’ll need something special to make you stand out from the huge pile of applications Latest posts
WGM Talent Agency
Filed under: AgenciesLocated in Chancery Lane, WC2A 1LG and Manchester Spotlight registered agency Founded in 2014 by Guy Howe; company incorporated October 2015 Listen to the Act On This podcast with Guy Howe Popular Facebook Page and Busy Twitter feed Manchester, England Small and selective roster Operates a no-clash policy to avoid internal competition Looks for…
West Central Management
Filed under: AgenciesLocated in 150 Hoxton Street, N1 6SH Spotlight registered agent Founded in the 1980s as an actors’ co-operative Active Twitter feed @westcentralWCM The ‘About Us’ page has a section on Representation applications setting out the type of actors their books are currently open for You must already be a Spotlight member Invitations to an upcoming…
Waring & McKenna
Filed under: AgenciesLocated in Mayfair, W1K 5QT Spotlight registered agency Successful and household name performers Busy Twitter feed @WaringMcKenna Apply by post or email (specified for applications on the ‘Contact’ page) Enclose or attach headshot, CV and covering letter You’ll normally need an impressive CV to get considered by this agency Latest posts
VJ Management
Filed under: AgenciesLocated in SE16 2PW Spotlight registered agent Represents actors for Film, TV, Theatre, Radio and Voiceover A very select number of child actors are on the roster Established by 2012 Valerie Hodson after she left the Richard Stone Partnership Latest posts
Vivienne Clore Artist Management
Filed under: AgenciesLocated in Marylebone, W1W 6XD Formerly the Richard Stone Partnership Spotlight registered agency Represents comedians, actors, presenters and writers Interesting interview with Vivienne Clore on the Royal Television Society (RTS) website Busy Twitter feed @CloreClients The ‘contact’ page has the email for applications Good agency to target if you a talented emerging actor looking…
Victoria Lepper Associates (VLA)
Filed under: AgenciesVictoria Lepper Associates (VLA) is a London based boutique talent agency representing a selective roster of actors and creatives. They request a Spotlight link from anyone seeking representation, restricting their roster to actors with a proven track record. Victoria Lepper Associates is a member of the Personal Managers’ Association (PMA), the membership organisation for agents…
Urban Collective Ltd
Filed under: AgenciesLocated in Burghley Road (NW5 1UG) Spotlight registered agent Founded in 2011 by Amanda Beckman Associated with Urban Associates PR and Urban Soul Orchestra Busy Twitter feed @collectiveurban Latest posts