Films On A Shoestring
If you’re taking your first steps into the world of acting and filmmaking, this site is for you.
Our aim is to signpost you in the right direction; clarify how hard you’ll have to work for very little recognition; and importantly steer you clear of the many scams and unnecessary costs lying in wait for the unwary.
We use the personal experience of our network of friends and creative collaborators to identify the key lessons learned from acting, training, writing, producing, financing microbudgets and entering film festivals. Then we add a lot of research and fact-finding.
Funding For Films On A Shoestring
We aren’t selling anything and aren’t here to promote our personal businesses or careers.
It costs money to host and maintain a website and its domain. That’s why we display adverts in the articles. We get a few pennies each time someone clicks on an advert, which helps keep us online.
We are not sponsored by the agencies, casting websites or other organisations mentioned in the articles.
If they happen to appear in an advert shown to you, that’s because they have paid the ad network, and not us.
Website Links And Social Sharing
Many organisations and individuals have linked to our articles on their websites or social media accounts.
A&J Management, Bonnie and Betty, Hero Talent Group, Ardent Talent, Dee Boss Talent Management, Not A Pushy Mum, all the actors, and stage mums and filmmakers – and everyone else who has done this – thank you so much.
Other Writers And Journalists
Several journalists and writers have used our site during research for their own articles.
We are very pleased to have this site used as a free and trusted resource.
But, if you are using our passion project for the benefit of a commercial venture, please remember to mention us in your article and add a backlink!
Contact Us
This is a passion project run on volunteer time and not a publishing business with a team of staff. So we’d prefer not to find ourselves inundated with emails, and can’t promise a speedy response.
But if you think we need to clarify something in one of our articles, we’d definitely like to know so we can improve it for the benefit of all our readers!
Filmsonashoestring (added here to stop spam robots) @gmail.com
We also have a Facebook Page if you’d like to follow us for post updates.